October 20, 2014

The bright side of being short

  When I was little, I often worried about my height. It just seemed like the number don't change much over years. At the age when I tended to lower my sense of existence, my height always get in the way. I have to be in the first row in order to be seen. Also, need to keep an eye on my weight cause "short and fat" somehow appears to be worse than "tall and fat."

  Yet, now I'm really glad that I'm short. There are a lot of examples. Some of them actually depend on how you see things or how you change disadvantages into advantages. Or like I said, being lazy might makes you smarter! Cause you figure out ways to be lazy!

1. You can stretch your legs on the train. Bonus if it's a long trip. 

2. You barely have to worry that you'll hit your head. Sometimes not even in caves. 

3. You can ask someone to do the labor work for you (e.g. lifting your suitcase up or carry the heavy box down) cause you're naturally incapable of doing so. What's the sentence again? "The great ability comes great responsibility."

4. Enjoy the feeling of asking and finger- pointing. Ask, point, and voilà! It's there right in front of you. 

5. When the sun is burning, it's easy to find a shadow. A higher friend is just like a walking tree. Plus, it's a talking tree that you won't feel bored. ( Okay, only for most of the time)

6. It's easier to hide when chasing by a villain or people you owed money to. Drown by the crowd, check. Little boxes and shelter, check. 

7. No need to worry of not being in the picture cause you got every right to stand at the first row and people won't say a thing. 

8. Got the privilege to be on top on someone for better view. Don't get me wrong, I mean on someone's back or shoulders. Yes, even if you're not 5 years old.

9. It is, for most of the time, cheaper for us. Less amount of food, smaller bed, smaller blanket, smaller table, smaller chair, smaller coat, smaller closet. smaller... smaller..., wait, I think you mean "cheaper..."

10. People are a bit less likely to hate us cause we're born to be cute. It's like puppies, kittens, and babies. How can they not like the smaller version of average human?

All in all, just like the way you are. Cause you're perfect this way. ;)