February 26, 2014

Day 22 Czech language class & Safe cook!

  Today, we went to our first Czech language class this morning. The professor is a old interesting guy who talked a lot about linguistic of Czech, which is interesting for us language leaner. However, we didn't learn much about how to speak Czech. Overall, it's fun. Though we felt dizzy just within one hour. I guess we haven't be in class for such a long time. 
   In the evening, I tried to heat the sweet potato soup yet totally forgot it while using the computer. I burned it, OMG. There wasn't much smoke but enough to get security guy to take a look. I was so so terrified that it will end like the time I was in Taiwan -- the alarm rang and everyone knows, etc. Luckily, it didn't happen such an embarrassing thing. Amen to that.

  I guess people have to learn from their experience. So I'll cook more and hopefully, won't burn more. 

Good luck to me having 6 hours class tomorrow! 
Good night dear.

February 21, 2014

Day 19 - Prague Castle, free tour

Prague castle is a little bit less than what we expected. Plus, the weather today isn't really nice. We almost froze and starved to death. But luckily we didn't.
I was talking to Kevin about the party myth I have. It is that people introduced each other, danced, chatted, and even make out. However, most of the people will be like strangers when they meet on the next day. Why so? So what is the point of partying? Dancing? Chatting? And how can you tell if someone is the person you want to keep in touch with while some not?

Also, I wondered why guys are trying to get kisses from girls in the party. Could that grant them joy? Or any happiness?

I guess the best way to find out is to party more! LOL

Day 18 - Graduation Dancing Ball

Today, we practically did nothing in the morning. Melissa hurt her knee last night in the party of Czech presentation. Therefore, we can't really be someplace cause it hurts all the time. But we manage to do the laundry, which was a big thing cause it's really troublesome to do it in the dorm. First off, you need a great sense of direction to accomplish it. Second, you have to go back and forth to the reception for many times. Third, you have to dry it!!! Can't believe it costs us 30kc without helping us drying the clothes.

While doing the laundry, I met two Russian guys who speak in Russian to me in the very beginning. I guess I have an "I speak Russian" look. They were nice and asked me for my Facebook. And as usual,

February 4, 2014

Day 2 - Now we are in Ostrava!!

   第二天我們到Alien Police Agency 報到,幾個小時下來,發現警察都不太會說英文,Ondra 說他們國人也覺得奇怪,真的太不國際了,不過於不會說英文的警察,我們搭車前往Ostrava時,火車上的服務員的英文倒是還不錯。也許只是因為他們比較年輕吧!(在捷克通常都是年輕人會講英文,問路要挑年輕人問,最好挑個帥哥美女順便滋潤一下雙眼 ;))


February 2, 2014

Day 1-Prague! We are finally here!

   一開始下機場時,在海關那被困了好幾分鐘,海關警察小姐一直盯著我的VISA看,嘴裡還念念有詞,說著「臺灣」兩字。我心想,該不會海關小姐不知道臺灣吧(?) 她之後又打了好幾通電話,所幸最後終於讓我離開了,超級害怕剛下飛機就過不了海關了,那是如此的心酸啊!
